The day dawned sunny with blue skies but little wind. The forecast was for the wind to increase, and it certainly did that, promptly at 11 the southerly came through and brought sailing to an abrupt halt. Although the morning appeared fully booked only 9 participants actually came down for a sail, and they had all just about finished before the weather changed. 5 sailors were from Northside, 3 from Sunnyfield, and 1 independent sailor.
We had 17 volunteers, Caroline was SDC and Brian controlled proceedings on the pontoon. 5 boats were rigged and ready before the clients arrived. Warwick was skipper on Charlie’s chariot, with Eli and then Marise taking photos. Corey took the role of radio operator and kept all the skippers to time.
Derigging was a little more challenging with the strong southerly blowing, but all the boats were safely returned to the boathouse. Jeremy returned Charlie’s Chariot to it’s mooring but was not keen to row against the southerly so rowed to the beach where Eli met him with a trolley.