It was a cold morning at the time that our Sailability Runners met on the Corso to warm up, greet each other and organise how we were going to manage our distances. Colleen decided to run the 10 km, along with Byron, Maggi, Mark and Jack, while Oliver, Eli, Helen and Gail decided that we could manage the 5 km, if only slowly.Photo taken at the Fun Run
It took a while for the race to get started, as 500 people turned up to register at the last moment. By 8.35, everyone was on their way, all the way along the beachfront, and up to Shelly Beach was crowded with people running and walking their way into the most beautiful day.
The most important facet is the bringing together of our volunteers in a way that is not experienced down at sailing, but also important is the fact that we raised over $1,000.00 which will help us this year to provide a wonderful service to all of the people who benefit from Sailability. We all finished, and felt really fantastic and fit at the end of the race. And Oliver kept the crowd entertained at the finish line with his version of a victory dance.
Thank you so much to the organisers of the run, Manly Rotary, the people who ran, and the wonderful people who supported us with their donations.