I’ve used an electric wheelchair for about six years now. I’m quite tall so I’m never sitting at the same height as other people so just the thought of being in a boat with Sailability was a thrill even before I drove onto the wharf.
The weather was perfect. I can’t actually stand to transfer so a manual sling hoist took me from chair to boat easily.
I do sit a bit lopsided so was leaning into my lovely skipper Ray. Being ‘face to face’ instantly made it so much easier to click into conversation and the quiet harbour waters were ideal for my soft voice which dies a bit in everyday city living. I probably made Ray’s job, of dodging all of the other boats closer to the club, more difficult because I was making chit chat. My hands did stiffen into the ‘I’m-a-bit-scared’ position but I definitely relaxed when Ray explained that the boats are built in a way that makes them basically impossible to capsize. It was 100% relaxed awesome fun then! Lots of fun sharp turns, running my hand in the water and bouncing over waves left by the big ferries.
There were so many friendly volunteers that made my first day of sailing really lovely and effortless.