On arrival at Manly Sailability we were all greeted by a beautiful day sun shining with only light winds, not the predicted 10 to 35 knots .

Volunteers son got the boats rigged & in the water. Ivon was the first participant & he sailed with skipper Denis.

Cromer School arrived with 11 participants & skippers Ragnhild, Michael, Brian, Malcolm & Peter Bennell soon had them in the boats & off into Manly Cove.
Eli was on the register desk , Corey was our radio & timing volunteer. Peter Ward, Ken & John were operating the rescue boat, also giving some participants a boat ride around the harbour while keeping a watchful safety eye on our sailing boats.
Nola did great with getting participants into boats , all fitted with life jackets. & helping out on the pontoon . Volunteer Petra was able to have a sailing lesson before participants arrived & then helped out on the pontoon.
Rob Southam arrived & took his participant sailing.
Sydney C.S arrived with 6 participants & soon were out sailing.
Simone arrived with her participant.

Volunteers did a great job in de-rigging, washing down the boats & putting all gear away for our next sailing.

A great morning was had by all.