Manly Sailability had a perfect winter’s day for sailing even though the winds were light. We had many volunteers to lend a hand to give 25 clients a fun day of sailing. Stephen and Nicole were our welcomed new volunteers today. Stephen lend his hand to all the tasks, helping launch the hansa’s and a great help in getting our eager sailing clients in and out the boats on the pontoon along with Joe, Micheal and Clare. Nicole was taken out for her first sail by David then was a valued helper on Charlie’s Chariot. Shelley took charge of the radios and helped run the day smoothly.
Grace arrived early with her carer Ariane and had the opportunity for a long sail with Jeremy in perfect conditions. Declan, Alysee, Tareck, James W.S., and James K from Northside were keen sailors enjoying their day out on the Hansa’s. Eight enthusiastic sailors with Care Culture all went for a long sail.
Ben and Paul, our regular sailors had a terrific sail without getting wet as the winds settled into a light 9 km/h SSW, so no excessive heeling of the boats today. Among the other sailors were Jessica and Stuart and 6 sailors from the All Abilities group all of whom are regular sailors keen to participate.
Thanks go to all the volunteers for a smooth and jolly sailing day. Volunteer sailors Jeremy, Sophie, Rob, Skye, Micheal B, Denis, David, and Helene all managed to sail the boats in the light winds across the ferry lane without needing a tow. Special thanks to Warwick always full of energy, the first person to arrive and the last to leave.