Wind and rain!!
Despite the daily BOM prediction of impending storms and tempests throughout the
preceding week, Saturday 17th arrived cloudy. A stiff wind from the South -east promised, and delivered, an exciting sailing adventure for all who participated.
Volunteer’s today comprised:
Sailors – Denis, , John, Jim, Michael M, Jeremy, Peter and Michael B;
Registration – Wilma;
Deck and Pontoon – Joe, Clare, Nola, Jay, Mark;
Lifejackets – Ros, Maddie ;
Charlie’s Chariot – Warwick, with Eli as Observer/Camera;
SDC – Ken.
We started the day with a Safety reminder that ensured that all of our volunteers were familiar with the location of our AED, if ever needed, and the appropriate instructions for its’ use.
Sailing commenced with Denis introducing Maddie to our 303’s on the water , and John thrilling his charming grand-daughters Sophia and Gigi, with his sailing prowess.
Our participants gradually arrived and took to the water. Jay with Rob, Kate with Peter, Gracie with Michael, Matt with Peter and WELCOME BACK TO IVAN to sail with John.
As the morning progressed, the wind strengthened and unfortunately conditions forced us to curtail sailing at 11.15 am.