The team was out there again, 3rd time this week.
We were hosts for a group of famers and their families from the Gunnedah Area of NSW, hosted by Northern Beaches Council, and staying at Royal Far West for the week for a little R&R from their drought stricken properties.
Our magnificent team of helpers: Warwick, Ken, John, Tony, David w and David G, Tony, Donelle, Jim, Mal, Helen, Ellis, Teudt, Denis, Michael, Ivan and Malcolm fronted up for more, alternating between rigging, sailing, Power Boat driving, cooking, eating, having a great deal of fun, and then putting it all away at the end of the day.
We were so glad to be visited by several councillors from Northern Beaches Council, as well as their workers; David, Stephanie and Bev. Candy, Penny, Sarah, David and others were the councillors who came down to join in the fun.
The plan was to get wet, have fun, forget their troubles, and have a whole lot of laughs.
First of all we needed water pistols in each boat, including Charlie’s Chariot, bailing buckets for extra ammunition, and people prepared to get wet. Owing to the perfect weather conditions, all of these aims were fulfilled, and the fun was enormous!!!!
Three Gavel children, their Mum and Dad; Naeve, Eamon, Annalise, Lewis, Angelica Martin and Dad, Peter; the Rose family, Sonia, Georgia, Charlie, David; and last of all the D’Hudson Family, Keli, Hubert, Will, Gemma, had an enormous day…getting wet, enjoying the scenery and the wonderful food prepared by Helen and Donelle.
After the supreme battle for premiership of the water pistols, a swim, and huge feed, the children wandered across for a swim at the beach, while the parents enjoyed a drink at the 16ft Skiff Club.
Beautiful photos of today’s battle of the water pistols were taken by Ken, from Charlie’s Chariot.