A slight error in observation made today a great sailing day. At around 6.00 a.m., looking out of the window looked as if there was a low fog that would burn off during the morning. As it happened, it was a very heavy smoke-cloud, which caused a mysterious feel to the view well into the afternoon, and made a lovely quiet atmosphere with sound absorbed into the gloom. If I had realised it was smoke, I would have cancelled the day, but as it was, we just breathed in the smoke, and went ahead with sailing. The breeze was perfect…a steady 20km per hour flow, with occasional gusts to add interest and excitement.
Richard was first to arrive after the boats were all in the water, with David and Anthony requesting a boat to sail in.
Sunnyfield was next, with helpers Glenn and Barbara. Kane, Vanessa, Krissy, Anna had a great ride, and just arrived back when our new group arrived from the Penrith area…New Haven Farm was the name of the group, with Stephanie in charge. Tony and Peter loved the sailing, and the 2 others sat quietly on the deck and watched the beautiful scenery that is Manly Cove.
Next, St Ives Unisson arrived with the lovely Leesa, Elias, Paul, John, Malcolm, Ollie, Kath, with helper, Andrew and others.
Last group to arrive was Achieve, with helpers Audrey, Michael and Christian. Jason, Paul, Cameron, Jonathan, George had a great time on the water, with a lot of splashing to keep cool from George and Jonathon.
Our wonderful team of volunteers today, was:
Super Sailing Coordinator: Ragnhild
Pontoon Manager: David W
Support Boat Driver: Warwick, with observer, Corey and Photographer extraordinaire: Jennie.
Sailors: Denis, Ted, Brian, Ivan, Jim, John, Steve, Ellis, Michael
Help up on deck: Helen, Ros.
Wonderful supporting helpers on the pontoon: Nola, Ken.
The teamwork was absolutely superb, and enabled speedy changeovers, and efficient use of our resources.

- John and Ken having a practise sail
- Richard watching David and Anthony
- David and Ted in Alex
- Anthony and Jim in Eli D
- John and Malcolm in Dolly Wallis
- John in Charlie’s Chariot
- Ellis and Jonathan in Eli D