This morning looked perfect for a Sailability Regatta. Our team of Jack, Denis L, Caroline, Ivan, Cathy, Tony, Michael, Maggie, Jackie, David, Oliver, Craig, Jon, Ewan, Barry, Ralph, Michael and Denis F arrived at the club to get out the boats so that day could get underway. Pam arrived a little later to arrange the Race Management side of things, and left with the list of racers and the buoys.Photo of the regatta crew.
The boats were rigged and set out with the following skippers and crew: Denis with Ivan in Woody, Jackie and Tony in Dolly Wallis, Cathy and Maggie in Alex, David and Craig in ING, Crosbie and Michael in Vin, Jack and Ollie in Black Swan, Ewan and Jay in Eli D. Barry was in Charlie’s Chariot with Caroline, and Pam and Bruce in the start boat.
Final results in the table:

Thank you so much to Caroline for organising this race. It was fantastic the way everything came together in the end. Thanks to Pam and Bruce for being the Race Officers, and to Crosbie for taking the photos. A huge thank you also to Barry who drove Charlie’s Chariot, dropped the buoys in the right places, and supported the race.