Finally, a day when everything looks perfect. After many weeks of difficult decisions about whether to go ahead with sailing, contending with massive swells, strong winds and continual rain, the sun is shining, the sky is a steady blue, and the wind a steady north westerly between 5 and 7 knots.
The volunteers took advantage, so that we were inundated. Caroline, Ivan, Steve, David G and David W, Jim G and Jim Y, Peter, John, Adrian, Marc, Ray, Helen, Jay, Bob, Sheila, Corey, Denis, Margaret and Tony took their places on the deck, taking boats out of the boat-room, organising morning teas and registration table, erecting tents and umbrellas, getting the day ready for our participant groups.
New volunteers James, Alison, David, Malcolm, Warwick and John arrived in time to help with the setting up and to be welcomed to the group. Thank you so much to these people who met us at the Volunteer Expo in DY just a few days ago, and decided to come down to try volunteering at Sailability. All of these people will become a very important part of our group, and all expressed their pleasure in the day.
Our first Group for the morning was from Royal Far West. Amy, Dylan, Jonas, Jess, Sakan and Jaroup went for a beautiful calming sail, while Jessica and Jeremy elected to go in the Support Boat.
Craig, Denis and Gerrard turned up, then Lynette with Bill, all enjoying the sailing.
Finally, Jayden, Max, Bailey, Sam, Ruby, Marcus arrived to go off with their helpers: Jim, G, David G, Bob, Jim Y, David W and Adrian. At this point, some of the volunteers elected to go home, so that by the time this group arrived back at the pontoon, the kids just had to help us get the boats in, de-rig and wash, and put everything away. It was impressive to see the way the students from Forest High coped with this, all especially enjoying the hosing off of the boats, as the day had become quite warm.
Thanks so much to all of the carers today, and the Mum’s who came down to watch their children at their first day sailing, some going for a sail as well. Also their teacher, Sue, who took great pleasure in having a sail.