It was a great morning for sailing in between the stormy weather and we had a busy morning hosting groups from Balmoral House, BIRDS and people from the community.
Juliette quickly mastered the BBQ and kept the sausages coming, with Helen busy with radio, organising and preparing sailors for sailing and supervising the BBQ, it really is quite a busy role.
Jonathon kept the sailing board up to date so we could keep track of our sailing times for each boat which was an important job with many people lined up to sail.
Our sailors did a great job – Denis, Ivan, John, Vince, David, Helena, Jack, Barry and Jim.
The report from Charlie’s Chariot was that Alan had a great sail, practicing working up to and back from a mark in preparation for Sunday’s event. Ralph and wife were relieved by Barry, Luke and new driver Caroline for the second half of the morning.
The pontoon was as busy as usual and Rowell did a great job on the pontoon deck, supported by Evan and Dris. Jim was certainly action man on the water and on the pontoon. There was also plenty of support from Vince and Dris helping those sailors who needed harnesses to be fitted on the top deck prior to going to the pontoon. Getting the harnesses right reduced the amount of time spent on the pontoon and meant more for sailing so great work!
Evan, Luke and others provided great all round help both setting up and packing up.
It is amazing what can be achieved through teamwork every sailing day and today was no exception, another great day all round. Thanks to each and every person for your involvement.
Just a reminder that the start time for volunteers is 8:30 am (was 9am last year). If you can arrive by 8:30 am you can ensure you keep your rigging skills up to date, and remember ‘if in doubt sing out!
Sailing Coordinator, Mal.