We have been practising our running and walking skills for months…..very different from Sailing Skills, and raising money among our supporters, volunteers and friends.
At last, the day is here. Some of us arrive early to absorb the atmosphere, meet friends and do a proper warm-up. Others arrive later and go straight into the fun of running/walking on the set courses.
Photo of Caroline, Peter, Kent, Helen, Britta, Eli waiting for the race to start.
The race is about to start with the 10 KM runners. This is where Mike Page and his friends, as well as the Bennetts are going to shine. They have already done so with a magnificent effort of fund-raising, but the run is the thing to concentrate on now. They have a long way to go, but the weather is perfect for running, and the views on their route absolutely spectacular.
The next group to go is the 5 km group, consisting of Britta, Kent, Sandra, Helen, Peter and Caroline. Theirs is a much shorter run, but very complicated in terms of strategy and crowd management, as some of those corners were pretty sharp, and the hills very steep.
Photo of Kerry accepting a HI Five from a bystander at the Fun Run.Last of all, the leisurely 2 km stroll chosen by Eli and Kerry, with lots of high fives and cheering from the crowd lining the walkway.
All together, there were more than 2,000 runners/walkers, and over $100,000 raised. This is to be divided among several charities, and final amounts will not be known for several months. We all put our all into it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.