Hundreds of people descended on Manly Yacht Club early Saturday evening to celebrate the end of season, and witness the presentation of prizes to all sections of Manly Yacht Cub racing.
These included Juniors, Centre Boarders, Sailability and large and smaller yachts.
Prizes presented to Sailability included:
Trophies for the Australia Day Regatta, The Women’s Challenge as well as:
Volunteer of the Year: John Weaver;
Youth Volunteer of the Year, Jack Bennett;Photo of the Youth Volunteer of the Year recipient, Jack Bennett.
Sailor of the Year, Alan Bimson;
Improved Sailor of the Year, Caroline Holdstock;
Wayne Black Trophy, Denis Linney;Photo of the Wayne Black Trophy recipient, Denis Linney.
Wayne Black Crew Trophy, Ivan Demeny;Photo of the Wayne Black Crew Trophy recipient, Ivan Demeny.
Jackie Kaye Award, Ralph Newman.