A balmy Autumn Evening saw 45 of our Volunteers attend Sailability’s 2014 Volunteer Recognition Evening, celebrating the Power of Volunteering.
Photo of The Duke of Edinburgh award participants Phillip, Jack and two student volunteers.
We were able to demonstrate the Power of Volunteering by showing Philip’s video of his journey into solo sailing. This shows how a group of volunteers (us) were able to use our combined skills and a heap of determination by Philip to get him sailing solo on the waters of Manly Cove. No-one could have done it alone, we all used our skills to enable this milestone in Philip’s life, as well as the culmination of his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.Photo of Helen, Mal and Carol
The Power we hold as a group also enabled us all to create 45 works of art showing the ideal Sailability Volunteer.
Photo of Shelly and Peter Singer..Photo of Ralph and wife Nacy.Photo of David G, Alan and Joalee
Adele Heasman, deputy Mayor of Manly Council, spoke about the effects Sailability has had on the Manly Community over the last 18 years and praised us for our efforts. Craig Whitting provided wonderful food for the evening.Photo of Ray and his wife.
Photo of Eli presenting Jack with his award.
Volunteer of the Year this year is Jack Bennett, who started as a Duke of Edinburgh student, and now volunteers for us as a member of the community. Volunteer of the Year for Manly Sailability this year is John Weaver, who came to sailing one day to replace his friend on Charlie’s Chariot, found Sailability an irresistible activity, and can’t stay away.