The weather did not look like the most promising day, and the forecast was definitely not conducive to Sailabilitry sailing, as high strength winds were forecast. We decided to go ahead anyway, ready to call a halt if the wind became too strong, or if it started to rain. As it happened, neither of these things happened, with not a drop of rain, and the wind strength staying below 10 knots, with a few interesting northerly gusts to add excitement.
Our wonderful team of Sailing Coordinator, Bob, Pontoon Manager, David W, Boat Operations Manager, Denis plus volunteers; Rowell, Ivan, Jack, Ray, Caroline, David G and Carina got out and rigged 4 303’s, and quickly added Alan’s 2.3 when he appeared on the scene. A little later, Mal and Nico also got out a fifth 303 as the wind was not doing anything too amazing, and we had enough sailors and participants.
Megan took over the role of Registrar while she waited for her sail, Ralph went off in Charlie’s Chariot with Ros as observer and Lyn as photographer, and it wasn’t yet 9.30 when our participants started to arrive for their sail. Tony and Jannie were a great help on the pontoon while sailors Ivan, Caroline, Jim, Denis, Jack, Jannie, Mal and Ray made sure that everyone had a tranquil sail on Manly Cove.Photo of Ivan and Mark in EliD.
Photo of Alan on his way to New Zealand. L O L !!Alan took off at 9.30 and arrived home around 11.00 a.m. after a quick trip to New Zealand and back….go Alan.
Photo of Denis and Tony in Woody.Peter took his turn in Charlie’s Chariot, with Nico as observer. Rowell was a great help on the pontoon, fitting people into their life-jackets, and helping people up and down, to and from the pontoon to get ready for their sail.
Photo of Mal and Jonathon in INGSunnyfield Adventure Groups from Waitara and Chatswood took advantage of the great weather, with huge smiles and lots of ‘Thank You’s’ Peter, Rachel, Ross in the first group, and Robert, Kate and Michael in the second.Photo of David and Robert in Eli D.
Apart from these, we had our regulars Anna, Kerri, Ashley, Maureen, Craig and Jonathon. All had a wonderful time, and made the day worthwhile for all of our helpers.