What a lovely Birthday Present this was for Ivan.
And a huge thanks to Jude, who has joined us in an interlude on her long holiday to drop in and help in the most practical of ways.Photo of Nina, Hi Fi and Jude in Vin
Blue skies, pleasant company, smooth water, but hardly any breeze made the mood of the day. Brian did a fantastic job as Sailing Coordinator, David W was the Boat operations Manager, Photo of The Support Boat crewPeter drove Charlie’s Chariot until Barry took over at the finishing off stages, John W was Pontoon Manager, Helen and Kandy did registrations, Cathy and Sheila managed life-jackets, as well as tidying the life-jacket bins, sailors Ivan, John B, Bob, Rob, Col, Jude, Sam, paddled around on the calm water. Charged with the job of getting Lionheart ready to be delivered to her new home at Gosford were Denis and Michael, helping on Charlie’s Chariot were Tom and Corey, on deck we had Phill, Byron and Sue, taking photos on land and sea was Caroline, helping on the pontoon Tony and new volunteer Nicolas, and best of all, students from ICMS Jonna, Jalal, Remi, helped with boat washing and putting away, making sure everyone had a drink, and taking more pictures.
The lucky people who could take advantage of all of this were Gordon and Barry, Jackson,Photo of John and Jackson in Alex Hayden, Gus, Kayla, Dana and Jared, Damon and Cody from Royal Far West, much luckier than the group that got soaked in the rain a fortnight ago. Lovely helpers for this group were Claire, Anthony and a few Mums.
Our lovely group from Fisher Rd with helper Trish; Harrison, Jake, Matthew, Zane, Russell, Ella, Ethan and Jarryd were quick to get in the boats and then prompt to get back in the bus to get back to school before 11.00.
Photo of Rob and Ginny in INGDavid, Ginny, and Donny came down from Sunnyfield for a sail, then Paul, Kris, Nina, Mikey, and Craig from House With No Steps with Helper Liz. Some of these participants are getting so familiar with the boats, they are ready to start steering. Last of all, we had Vanessa, Harry, Luke and Rodney from Sunnyfield, with helpers Jenny and P.J. P.J. is going to learn to sail in his own time so that he can take his own participants sailing at some stage.
Thanks everyone, a truly beautiful day.
Right at the end of the day, when most of the helpers had gone home, leaving just Barry, David, Denis, Michael and Ivan, we welcomed our new boat, EliD delivered from Nowra by Jane from Gosford. EliD was part donated by Manly Rotary Sunrise from the funds we raised in last year’s Fun Run. Thank you so much for this Manly Rotary Sunrise, we will be sending invitations to the launching.