An integrated group of families had contacted me early in September, asking if we could fit them in for a day’s sailing early in the season. I agreed to put on a special day, on 5th October, as we are fully booked out on programmed days from now until January. I did not realise that the celebrations on Sydney Harbour would be in full swing, that Manly Council was having their Jazz Festival this weekend, or that Manly would be playing in the RL Grand Final. I did suggest, however, that they come by public transport, so that they would get a ride on the Manly Ferry on top of their 303 Hansa experience, and not have to worry about parking.
Promptly at 10.00, most of our participants arrived on the ferry, having had a stupendous ride over, and been able to watch our little boats from the ferry, going for a training run. So began a lovely day, everyone had a sail, and most also had a run on Charlie’s Chariot. It was amazing that the couple of families who had opted to drive managed to find parking close by. Thank you so much to Dominic F, Sarah, Mariah, Rosanna, Connie, Dominic L, Natalie, Grely, Paul, Photo of parts of the Laezza, Ferris, Hopkins families at Sailability.Kim, Ken, Cruz, Ely, Kylie and Carlo. You really made our day worthwhile, and also helped with the lunch and the putting everything away at the end of the morning. I have a vague feeling that most of you went over to the Jazz Festival in the afternoon to top off the day before the long trek home. The sailing was fabulous, with winds just at the right strength to give a good sail, without scaring the little kids who were sitting on Dad’s knees.
Our very experienced team Eli, Ray, Ivan, Mal, Jenny, Jerome, Joel, John, Ariane, Dave G, David, Denis, Vince, Barry, Helen and Jack swapped over jobs from rigging to sailing to making lunch, and then to putting away, made this one of the best days ever.