The first sailing day in the new season.

This was a day when it was necessary to make some hard decisions.Photo of prepairing boats.

First of all, the wind forecast was for strong breezes, but it appeared that these had passed us by early in the morning, so we decided to go ahead with sailing, with the option to pull the plug at any time.

Three groups were booked in, the first at 9.30. When these participants arrived, we already had 5 boats on the water. Royal Far West brought Jeremy, Tom, Jess, Noel, Dominic, Jakab, Jonas, Ben, Kayla Photo of Ivan and Kayla in Alex
Photo of Ivan and Kayla in Alex.

and Jake. Some of these decided to use the Support Boat as their vantage point to take photos while the others sailed, and all had a good fast run across the bay.

The wind was becoming quite strong by the time this group returned to the pontoon, so that when Karen arrived with her charges: Andy, Katerina, and Fowzia needed to decide whether they were brave enough to test the conditions. Only Andy had the courage, while Fowzia and Katerina watched.

Our day was cut very short by a worsening of conditions, so we reluctantly brought all the dinghies back and packed away, leaving our final group for the day to play in the park.

Thank you so much to Sailing Coordinator; Brian, Support Boat Driver; Barry, crew, John W; sailors John, Tony, Mike,Photo of Mike and Ben in Dolly. Ivan, Jim, Diddy, Denis; Pontoon Manager John Connor; Registrar and Time Keeper; Susan and Kandy; Support Boat Reserves Peter and Corey; Deck hands: Bob, Jim Y, Michael, and Tony J.