A small team of Sailability Members attended the Manly Yacht Club Presentation Evening last Saturday evening. It is fun being part of a large group of people who like to sail, and we feel very proud of being included in all Manly Yacht Club activities. Annie was the MC for the evening, with Commodore Creg presenting prizes to all groups that take part in MYC activities. We were part of the forst groups of the evening, taking our place with Manly Juniors and Centerboarders.
Our Volunteer of the Year for 2013 is Alan Bimson, presented for his work with the web-site and training videos.
Photo of Alan receiving his award.
Sailor of the Year is Philip H. Olsen.
Photo of Phillip with Greg Wilkins and Eli receiving his arward.
Improved Sailor of the Year is Caroline Holdstock, who was not present on the evening.
The Wayne Black Trophy was presented to Judy Cole and Tony Jones for their continued success in our Regatta Series.