This morning we decided to hold an informal regatta with whoever turned up for sailing.
Quickly, we set up Woody, Black Swan, Eli D, Ralph Newman, Vin and Dolly Wallis, and arranged ourselves into skippers and crews.
Warwick and Ken went out to Charlies Chariot, fuelled up, and set out across the bay to lay one buoy for the course, so that we could use the other fixed navigation buoys in Manly Cove for a triangle course. Denis gave a race-start meeting and racing instructions with the various crews, and all set off across the water.
Denis and Ivan in Woody, Peter W and Peter B in Black Swan, Brian and Ben in Eli D, Jennie and Michael in Ralph Newman, John and Eli in Vin, Sasha and Heather in Dolly Wallis.
Two wonderful races were held in perfect conditions taking in almost the length and breadth of Manly Cove in the brisk southerly breeze that had sprung up. Warwick was the Race Officer in Charlie’s Chariot, Ken the photographer.
Corey kept his position as radio person on shore, and Helen minded the shop with cups of coffee/tea for the visitors in case we had any, as well as being Registrar, and Covid-19 officer.
The results of the race were the best thing of all….overall winners tied for 1st Place, a 3 way tie: Woody, Ralph Newman and Vin.
2nd Place Dolly Wallis.
Another tie for 3rd place; Black Swan and Eli D.
The photos show how close those first 3 boats were over the line each time, and how close the other 2 were battling for their place. All participants agreed that it was the best fun we had had since Covid 19 struck in March, and that we all increased our sailing skills, and confidence in the boats.
At the end of the race, we all raced for the pontoon, as black clouds were emerging, and fat raindrops were falling. It was the quickest, most efficient sanitising and putting away operation ever, all completed in time for the real storm to hit.
- Setting up early
- Setting off for the racing
- Around the first buoy
- The Start Boat crew (2 pics)
- Around the final buoy
- Ben and Brian around the first buoy