Barry got his team together for the Working Bee on Monday, 24th August. There were virtually 2 teams, one to work on the boat hulls and Charlie’s Chariot, the other to work on cleaning life-jackets and boat bags, cleaning and tidying the boat-room, and sorting the cupboards. Photo of upturned 3o3s on the deck.
It was very quick to get all the boats out and in no time at all, David, John W., Barry and John C., were cleaning and fixing hulls. Barry went over for Charlie’s Chariot and a busy time was experienced, trying to fit the new prop-guard. This effort was not successful, as the prop guard did not fit and has now been returned while we wait for a replacement.
In the meantime, Helen and Elaine emptied the life-jackets out of the storage bins, gave them a good scrub, and left them to dry on the deck. Photo of the drying lifejackets.Eli and Joely got to work with the vacuum cleaner in the boat-room, until all was ship-shape, then helped with the life-jackets and lunch.
By the time lunch was over, everything was dry and ready to be returned to itsnormal place. A good day for everyone and everything is now ready for a busy new season of sailing.