We woke to a drizzly morning with strong southerlies. We had a very strong team registered for the regatta and decided to go ahead, as all of these sailors really know what they are doing. It was guaranteed to be a good, strong sailing day.
The seven crews turned up to rig, with a couple of extra helpers thrown in, and it only took a short time to get the boats rigged to everyone’s specifications.
A condensed video gif of the regatta part 1.
Joely and Lianne in Dolly Wallis; Ivan and Denis in Woody; Barry and Chris in Alex; Peter and Jacinta in ING; David G and Ariane in Vin; David W and Tony in Black Swan; Caroline and John in Lionheart took off across the bay to where Pam, Bruce and John in Carlysle were directing Ralph, Tom, Nancy, Patrick and Alan where to place the buoys. By this time, the sun had emerged from behind the clouds, but the wind was just as strong in a southerly direction as it had been earlier. As well as this, there was a very strong swell, making staying dry in the boat almost impossible.Photo of David W and Tony returning to the pontoon.
We almost had a disaster, when the Support Boat crew through in an anchor and chain without a buoy attached. Oh dear, we will be replacing some chain and anchor back to Manly Yacht Club. But, there was still a spare anchor to use, so it was a learning experience, the course was laid and the races were soon ready to rumble.Photo of Dennis and Ivan, winners are grinners.
2 Hours later, the crews returned to a wonderful lunch that had been prepared by Alice and Robyn. Prizes were presented to Denis and Ivan 1st; Peter and Jacinta 2nd; Carolyn and John 3rd; David and Ariane 4th; Chris and Barry, 5th; David W and Tony 6th; and Joely and Lianne 7th. Thanks once again to MYC Race Officers Pam and Bruce, Support Boat crew Tom and Ralph, and the extra helpers who turned up just to give a hand.