Since our last Working Bee in September, 2014, the boat room has been getting messier and messier, the life-jackets, dirtier and more salt-encrusted, Charlie’s Chariot has become known among the sea-gull community as a place to drop their waste, the dinghies needed some minor repairs and some major cleaning, and our sails were also in need of a good clean. So our dedicated Wednesday helpers decided to do something about it under the guidance of Barry.
Alison, John P, Helen, Michael, Eli (team domestic work) got stuck into the boat room and the life-jackets, giving a good clean to the room and scrubbing the life-jackets.
John W, Mal, Barry, Ralph, Rob, Ken, David, Denis (team engineering and outside duties) took the dinghies outside, brought Charlie’s Chariot to the pontoon, spread the sails on the deck. Everything got a good scrub and Spring Clean, every rudder got a fitting to hold it down into the rudder box when fitted, all of the sea-gull poo was washed away.
Then the fun started with putting everything away neatly in the newly cleaned boat room, and then a birthday morning tea in honour of Ken finished the morning. Luckily, the incessant showers stopped in the early afternoon allowing the lifejackets and sails to dry before being put back into their spot in the boat-room.
Thanks to this wonderful group for turning up when there was no-one to go for a sail, it will all be a lot more pleasant for everyone.