When is this Summer going to end? Perfect weather for sailing, but for some reason we did not have as many participants as we would have liked.
However, this gave us the opportunity to have lots of sailing by the volunteers, improving skills, and having a relaxing time on the water.
Slideshow of Jim and Anna in ING, Ivan and Beau in Woody, Rob and Kerrie in Alex,
Mark and Mal in Vin, Rodney and Mal in Dolly Wallis.
Our crew for today was:
Caroline, the Sailing Coordinator.
Tony, on the radio.
Pontoon Manager: David G
Support Boat Driver and observer: Ken, David W, Maleea, Warwick
Sailors: Mal, Jim, Ivan, Scott, Ian, Crosbie, Michael, Helene, Jim
Extra help on the deck: Nikki, Su Ann, Wilma, Helen.
Help on the pontoon: Scott, Beau.
Our participants loved it, an extra long sail in light winds, just what the doctor ordered. Anna, Ashley and Kerrie from Washington House, Mark and Rodney from Rap’n’Rave, Judy and Adonis from Wandella, Danny and Laurie from Ryde, Oliver and Ted from Curl Curl.