The morning dawned cold and quite still, so we decided to go ahead with sailing in spite of the wind in the forecast. Maybe we’d be lucky and the wind would hold back until lunchtime?
Our wonderful volunteer team of Maleea, photographer, Scott, pontoon worker, Helen, Registrar, Wilma, Life-Jacket Manager, Helen, and Claire, newbie learners, Mal, Support Boat Driver, Jasmin, Support Boat helper, sailors: Ian, Denis, Ivan, Crosbie, Michael, and extra hands Tony and Ros set out 5 boats and readied themselves for a great day on the water.
Slideshow of Getting ready for the morning to start, Crosbie and Helen, Stephen and Michael in Black Swan,
Ian and Claire in Dolly Wallis, Matt’s 2 children in Charlie’s Chariot watching Dad sailing, Hugo and Judy in Alex Martin
Our participant sailors: Matt from Sargood with his 2 children watching from the Support Boat, Kerrie, Anna, Ashley from Washington House; James, Shelby, Judy, Adonis, Jackie and Diane, Ollie and Janathon from the community, all had a wonderful sail in the rapidly rising breeze.
Finally, at around 11.00 a.m. we were forced to stop because of the rapidly rising breeze. The boats were hauled out, washed down and put away. In spite of the briefness of the sailing session, all agreed it had been worthwhile because of the excitement of the rising breeze, the wonder of being out in the fresh air, and the feeling of companionship.